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High School Masterplan Completed

A masterplan including additional classrooms for the primary school and a state of the art design for our future high school, has been completed by the broadly experienced Sydney firm BKA Architects. It forms the basis of our recently submitted application for government funding which will help us achieve the expansion of our premises.

The masterplan is to be executed in a series of stages, which will begin with the provision of additional classrooms for our primary school, followed by the construction of St. Sava College High School. A decision on our funding application is expected in the next 10-12 weeks.

In May of this year, a number of architectural firms presented the SSC Building Committee with their individual proposals for the development of St Sava College. The vision BKA Architects proposed, stood out from the remaining applicants for a number of reasons. To begin with, their design was both the most cost efficient and sympathetic to the preservation of the natural environment. Shared walkways between buildings and outdoor spaces are integrated into a relationship with the landscape beyond. And wherever possible sustainable outcomes are prioritised.

Our choice of BKA Architects provides learning spaces which must first and foremost be conducive to the needs of learners. They must also help to maintain and develop the sense of community inherent to our Orthodox faith and the cultures from which our students come. The aesthetically pleasing masterplan respects and incorporates the signature building already in place and it provides students and their families the security of a contemporary educational environment which embraces and preserves the tranquility of God’s creation.

What more can we hope for?
