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The Path to Life

What is in various schools most often known as Scripture, Biblical Studies, Orthodox Studies and so on, at SSC is known as The Path to Life. Our school motto, ‘The Path to Life’ is taken directly out of the troparion (hymn) to St Sava, which begins with the words:

You were the guide on the Path to Life, a Hierarch and a teacher, and upon your return 0 Holy Sava, you enlightened your homeland, and bringing re-birth by the Holy Spirit you planted your sanctified children like young olive trees in spiritual Paradise. We hail you as Equal to the Apostles and Saints: pray to Christ our God that He grant us His great mercy.

Path of Life is not an area of curriculum, confined to lessons and programmes, nor is it subjectively examined and investigated as something worthy of robust discussion. It is not something we learn about, rather Path to Life is best described as the way we live and learn.

Christian virtues and teachings shape all aspects of life both in the school and beyond. Our daily path begins with prayer, we are guided to fullness through Scripture, we are taught to express love and compassion, Biblical truth defines our moral parameters. Our regular classes fit into the liturgical cycle and calendar of the Orthodox Church, all of which point us in the direction of Christ – for He is the Path, the Truth and the Life.